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Wonderous Things


Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

Part VI

Part VII


1.1 - 1.10

1.11 - 1.20

1.21 - 1.30

1.31 - 1.40

1.41 - 1.50

1.51 - 1.60

1.61 - 1.70

1.71 - 1.80

1.81 - 1.90

1.91 - 1.98

2.1 - 2.10

2.11 - 2.23

Part IX

Part X

Part XI

Part XII


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Campaign History



The next day, the amassed armies of Tal Anum, now joined by Gemul the Choirista and all their forces from the north, stood layered against the foothills of Angenon. Across the five miles of flat plain land, Rovien's forces, with all pomp and ceremony, marched out to display their blue and black masses across the next battlefield...

Edward Huntingdon successfully boarded the 'strange' Lightening, and almost as soon as he did it altered course and sailed straight out of the Maelstrom (even though the shield was in place). No communication has come to us from him since!

Chapters 82 - 84 still elude me; they will be included as soon as may be.
They concern the plans made by the remaining Free Warriors of the Eilindainian Alliance for the defence of their foothold in Angenon, and the imminent assault of Manticore's Talon forces intent on the capture or slaughter of those few who still oppose them.


The Battle of Angenon, so well thought through and so well planned, is a disaster... In the open field, the flower of Eilind's forces are reaved to pieces. Manticore Commanders personally direct huge flaming rune blasts into tight mustered squads, Drowh infantry close and then under cover of their last-moment Darkness auras slice floundering throats and crush retreating units. Drowh revenge on their Eilind enemies is completed as Rovien himself, fresh to join his army in the field, erupts in a fury as Drowh are found going in amongst surrendered troops cutting throats with impunity. These few are rounded up and Rovien himself incinerates them with Rune fire. The rest of the Drowh - numbering hundreds, many with runes - look on impassively.


The Kamarthians, as is often known of them, commit their boys and ancients to a last charge to desperately try to cover the retreating Darkendari / Marnish infantry allies. None return. Shinii units stake their banners and die to the last man, honour forbidding their retreat. The Kleetians themselves, also destined to the same fate, are only saved when Choirista Dochim rides forth to order them to retreat personally. In one swift charge the Edain, fighting a foe capable of inflicting wounds to the spirit, lose a thousand Souls to the carnage. Finally as the sun begins its ritual descent towards the horizon, the Soldiers of House Altioc are joined by all their peoples, women and children and all. Their acting House Lord decries to all retreating that, having not found happiness on Tal Anum, they leave with honour. The soldiery hold for only a few short minutes before Talon Heavies are in amongst their yound reaving left and then right. Dochim howls in fury from the higher paths of Angenon and lays this singing curse:

"For Sorrow that you bring us,
And all the harm you do,
I curse you to this sadness,
Until your days are through.
Let all that you do care for,
Wives and family that you need,
Be wrenched from your grasping hands,
Until your last breath you have breathed."

Many of the Warriors about the Ancient had heard of the Choiristas' power to curse as well as cure, but still all were shocked as they carried on into the high places of Angenon.


For the first part, the brave Warriors of Edhaal and the Timber Wolves guarded them through the tree line, but as this broke up Alex Winter committed the adventuring ranks to the fray. Despite Manticore's Talon pursuit and the sacrifice of over three hundred King's Adventurers, over 12,000 troops made it away from the 'Slaughter of Angenon'. Here it must be said that 74 members of the Knights Ullratha shed their last life's blood to see the retreating Soldiers safe. Also it is to be said that the Pathfinders lost half their number here, but kept many others alive.



The Army, now in an unwholesome disarray, start to regroup around the village of Lyjon, but even as they do it rapidly becomes apparent that Manticore's Talon are not giving up the fight and are pushing the battle through dusk. Meeting in haste, what can be gathered of the remnant of the council are informed of the probable plan to not allow a retreat, but instead push the fight to midnight when the Army will face revitalised Rune troops for a final slaughter. Dochim, Tallia and Winter decide to send the bulk of the army to Eliavarre, the new capital, while they and those that would follow retreat to 'High Fastnesse', there to make one last stand.

No sooner have the leaders left and the army embarked, than Lyjon is overrun by Manticore reserves and over 500 soldiers and Adventurers are forced to lay down their arms or face certain death.


As the Army reaches Eliavarre, Talon attack the city, but are met by parley offering surrender with conditions: no Eilindainian soldier is to surrender arms, but will swear an oath of loyalty once all their Lords are dead (or surrendered of free will) and their people unharmed. The Commander orders attack, but even as it begins Rovien arrives and, striking off the Commander's head, orders the attack to cease. Within an hour, the city is occupied by 500 Talon troops and 1,000 Drowh, as well as a few hundred Smoot Corp. Musketeers.


Pursuit of Dochim is given up as the Leaders and those who have chosen to follow reach the gates of 'the Fastnesse'. That night, before a passive Table, Prince Thorn and Priest William Montague are tried as War Criminals, brought forwards by former Arachnian allies. Thorn is released and agrees to join the defence. Montague is acquitted when none will speak against him. Later, as a result, Cumhal announces his loss of faith in their cause and informs Alex Winter that he will fight that none should lay hands upon Tallia, but no more will come of him, and with that he resigns his Command.

As the evening comes to a close, an assault by an insane Dream Wizard is thwarted, but there is no celebration. 288 souls including cooks, grooms and other household staff prepare to stand against the onslaught dawn must surely bring!


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